Sunday, December 16, 2012

So wise

I am glowing wise in my thirties. And by wise, I mean NOT SO STUPID. This week two very common phrase finally lit a light bulb in my brain and will here end change my life.

First, Kenna is sleeping in a toddler bed with no rail. She falls out. I figured she would stop after a few days so I did not do anything about it. A week later she threw up in bed. Tim and I went to her rescue and then got her all "tucked in" I bed. She usually sleeps in a sleeping bag in her bed. Since it was dirty, we grabbed some bigger blankets. As I was tucking in the blankets .... Light!! Tuck her in and she won't fall out. Are you kidding me? How is that just I vying to me. How often to people say that phrase? And now I know, finally, it's a real thing.

Second, I finished tucking Kenna in for real tonight, and she asked me about Christmas, again, and "when it's gonna be here," again. Christmas has been going on at our house since before Thanksgiving, and it has sunk Kenna into a deep depression of waiting. We even decided today to move it up one day and start our post Christmas vacation early. I explained again tonight how after the next time we go to church, Christmas will be really close. As I walked away from my emotionally exhausted child, I thought, "The 12 Days of Christmas!" Duh! 12 great days of Christmas is better than 5 weeks o just waiting scattered with some Christmas fun. The 12 days of Christmas. Sigh. Deep breath. It is now all so clear.

Feeling stupid. But so grateful for my new wisdom and all the idiots that went before me.

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